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Nächste Nachricht Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis des Forums 2001 Vorige Nachricht
John Hingston, Curriculum Coordinator, Australien
Antworten auf Fragebogen (Kurz-Version, englisch), 30. Oktober 2001

In which situation did you use maths online? (School, home,... as pupil, teacher,...)
as a teacher

Can - according to your opinion - maths online contribute to a better understanding of mathematics?
absolutely - it is an excellent resource

What did you like very much?
the ability to make up my own tests. The fact that i can run the tests offline. this is important as our school internet connection is not always reliable.

What did you like less?
I would have liked to have more than 6 questions but that is only a minor suggestion.

Do you have suggestions for modification or completion?
I would like to be able to have students log into the program and have their scores recorded in a file.

Did everything work well in technical respect?
yes everything worked very well

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Congratulations an excellent resource and one that my students will benefit from greatly. i like the fact that I can use it in a range of subjects.

John Hingston (Curriculum Coordinator)
Emmanuel College
Ardlie st
Warrnambool Australia 3280

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