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Nächste Nachricht Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis des Forums 2000 Vorige Nachricht
Jean Henderson, Scottish Further Education Unit
Nachricht an mathe online, 31. Mai 2000

The Scottish Further Education Unit is developing the Virtual Learning Centre. In this we have created an Information Gateway which contains links to Internet and CD-ROM resources. These have been evaluated to set criteria, reviewed and mapped to the Scottish vocational education and training curriculum.

We would like your permission to include your site in this Information Gateway.

Our database has been recently redesigned. In the event that we have previously contacted you, we apologise for doing so again. Similarily, we may have referenced several parts of your site and we apologise for causing you extra effort.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information.

Our site is located at


Jean Henderson

Thank you very much for your interest in maths online. We are very pleased if you include our site in your Information Gateway.

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