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Nächste Nachricht Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis des Forums 2000 Vorige Nachricht
Stephen Hegedus,
Nachricht an mathe online, 8. April 2000

Maths Online

I am presently collecting together some electronic math resources for the website. I was very impressed with some of the applets and resources you have at your web site MathsOnline especially the calculators. With your permission (which we give you of course) I would like to promote them at the site.

Here's a little background to our organisation. is a charity and is supported by the UK government Numeracy strategy. I am working from Oxford University to consult those designing the web site who don't have the educational/mathematical background.

There is no commercial purpose whatsoever. It is a National initiative which links into World Maths Year 2000 to make maths accessible to all.

This site would value your work and so would parents and students - I hope you can help

Kind regards

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