The Workshops
Mathematical software, tools, standards and cooperation with business partners
Moderation: Petra Oberhuemer Presenter: Mike Pearson [workshop paper; html] [short summary:]
- Basic technical requirements/constraints:
- Use of MathML
- Account for accessibility issues
- Multilingualism
- Support of Unicode
- Authoring:
How can we get teachers to create content (good quality content)? There is a need for a good, easy-to-use editor to provide MathML output.
Re-using existing material in a reasonable way: how can we get teachers look at existing resources and how can he/she select components of this content?
How can other teacher discover these resources?: Metadata / development of a classification scheme / Automatic tools to generate metadata.
Setting up networking to advertise their resources: ? Concept of weblogs?
- There are several levels of needs:
- Editor which allows to build new content
- Repository to deposit and manage content
- Tool to slice content and add those slices an address (ID-handling)
- Tool to annotate the items (=learning objects), to put some "glue" in between
- Tools for SCORM export
Envisaged aims and target groups, e.g. university students, distance learning, colleges, life-long learning. Plus issues of gender and mobility, media competence and multi-lingualism
Moderation: Bernd Thaller [short summary:]
- Target groups are identified as students, teachers and authors
- We need to cover the range from preliminary level to university level and eventually vocational training.
- There must be a bridge between high school and university
- Sociological studies: female/male, different ethics. How do they accept eLearning?
- Comprehensive database with RLOs (although term "RLO" is not clearly defined), RLO is less than a course (multidimensional arrangements for RLOs)
RLOs: can have different languages, levels of abstraction, relationships, keywords
- Qualilty management for RLOs: might be a Wiki-like system (in a moderated way), Wiki-system for mathematical content.
- Authors should get technical support that we get high quality products. Example: UCEL at University of Cambridge Provides a good referee system.
- Need for re-use of existing content: should not just be a link collection
- Organisation of repositories of RLOs
- Need some sort of taxonomy (mathematical classification scheme). Need a scheme describing teaching! Classification scheme to sort in our RLOs, should also describe the didactical approach (this might be a research point!)
- Need to describe existing RLOs (-? Metadata) -? is a librarian's work
- We should participate in the discussion of metadata standards (Anleihe Baumgartner!)
- There should be some support for teachers (to overcome the famous 5% barrier)
- RLOs with taxonomy ("Zentralblatt für didaktische Mathematik), there is need of an international metadata scheme.
- How to enable users to use an editor
- Cataloguing of existing material combined with quality assessment
- Digital repository
- Do we know why teachers do not use it? We should spend some effort to find out!
Didactics: current standards and desiderata, new conceptual approaches
Moderation: Hans-Georg Weigand, Franz Embacher [workshop paper; ppt] [short summary:]
- Teachers should be able to easily compose courses + exercises for their students
- Content-factory: easily create content (also interactive applets)
- Pedagogical-knowledge-factory
- Networking Units
- Objects(units)-oriented
- Would like to develop courses by means of drag&drop content, need a categorization (sort of ranking) of these objects, produce a basic set of tools to enable networking of basic units.
- 3-level model:
- tool to construct units
- mechanism to network (combine) units
- pedagogical knowledge level
- Wiki Idea: users should be able to rewrite content, changes should be reviewed by members.
- Continuous (not only on demand) teacher development support.
- Important features:
- life long learning
- multilingualism issues
- collaborative work (for all kind of teachers and teacher-students)
- enrich learning by eLearning
- bring learning back into eLearning (by Dave Pratt): no longer e-delivery, need to transform eLearning, we should think of eLearning processes!), teachers are learners.
- Emphasis on pedagogical content-factory: look closely at how teachers talk about resources, how should resources look like so that teachers use them?
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