David Pratt, Dr.
University of Warwick
Director of Centre for New Technologies Research in Education
- University of London, The Playground Project, EC Esprit Project
- University of Warwick, Webkit, EC IST Framework 5 Project
- University of Warwick,e-Muse, EC e-learning Framework 5 project
- Kaleidoscope JEIRP on Interactive Visual Objects, Framework 6 Network of Excellence
My position is that e-learning as embodied in current provision appears to be more about e-delivery. One may hope a teacher whose framework for teaching is one of transmission might develop a constructivist standpoint towards the learning process. In a similar way, we might expect that e-learning develops in a direction which takes into account constructivist principles. Indeed, a particularly well developed set of principles relating to the use of technology in the teaching and learning context can be found in the constructionist literature. I propose that we try to apply those principles to the e-learning context in order to put th elearning into e-learning.

The CeNTRE for New Technologies Research in Education [ppt]