EuroMath's medium
term goal is to design a project (working title: "Internet
based learning in mathematics - perspectives for future
developments") at the European level and apply for
funding from one of the Education and Training Programs.
- A
relationship of (high school) students, teachers, teacher
students and people (researchers) at the university.
- Develop
materials for future-oriented teaching at high schools
and university.
- Develop
a knowledge-base for some mathematics topics which has
- for every mathematical content involved - four
- Materials
which may be used beside the high school lessons
(as a help for teachers and students)
- Materials
which may be used as a self-learning-environment (for
high school students)
- Materials
which may be used beside university lectures
(as a help for professors and students; these materials
have a didactical background integrated)
- Materials
which support collaborative learning between students
in different countries, between students and teacher
students and between teacher students (in the sense
of an European thinking!)
medium term goal is to design a project (working title:
"Internet based learning in mathematics - perspectives
for future developments") at the European level and
apply for funding from one of the Education and Training
shall accomodate different fields of activities, that may
be shared among the participating institutions:
- Networking
and the creation of concepts and materials
- Utilizing
these concepts and materials in mathematics training,
thereby taking into account the respective local constraints
and possibilities
- Exploring
experimental ways, such as the use of synchronous communication
in mathematics training